Course for professional post-qualification for pedagogical professionals
With an immigration background as a state-approved educator/socio-pedagogical assistant (m/f/d)
Have you obtained a pedagogical vocational qualification in your country of origin and would like to work in your profession here in Germany? By means of a professional post-qualification course, we support you in the recognition of your professional qualification in order to work as a state-approved educator or social pedagogical assistant.
The course will increase your chances of having your professional qualification recognised in order to be able to work as a state-recognised educator or social pedagogical assistant in Germany.
TARGET GROUP: People with a pedagogical vocational qualification that is not yet recognised in Germany.
IMPLEMENTATION: You will receive individual support and encouragement during the course.
Ihre Vorteile
AIM: The course will increase your chances of having your professional qualification recognised so that you can work as a state-recognised educator or social pedagogical assistant in Germany.
TYPE OF DEGREE: You will receive a certificate after suc-cessfully completing the course.
FUNDING: This offer can be funded in accordance with § 81 FbW via a training voucher by the funding agencies of the Federal Employment Agency (also via the Qualification Opportunities Act), the job centres and option committees.
Dauer & Preise
Durchführung: Hybrid
DURETATION: 181 teaching units (incl. language courses)
Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.
Termine / Orte
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