Individual intensive coaching for integration into work or training plus language
We accompany you on site or at your home.
The aim of individual coaching is the successful transition of participants into training or employment subject to social insurance contributions, thus opening up the possibility of permanent integration into the primary labour market and the release from transfer payments. In order to achieve this goal, we also offer jobrelated language training.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The intensive coaching with language support helps you to enter working life, preferably by placing you in work or training.
TARGET GROUP: Jobseekers, people at risk of unemployment, people with disabilities, people who have completed their training or studies and require longerterm support through intensive coaching and language support.
IMPLEMENTATION: You take part in individual intensive coaching from the comfort of your own home or at our premises.
Ihre Vorteile
BENEFITS: The intensive individual coaching enables you to develop a customised strategy for finding employment that is based on your skills and opportunities and helps you to find tailormade solutions for the respective problems.
TYPE OF DEGREE: You will receive a certificate of attendance.
FUNDING: Eligible for funding through an activation and placement voucher.
Dauer & Preise
Durchführung: Hybrid
DURATION: Coaching scope up to 130 teaching units and language support 50 teaching units (up to 6 months) of 45 minutes each
Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.
IAA intensiv plus SpracheTermine / Orte
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