
Integration through training

Tailwind for the start of professional life!

The Integration through Training project supports you in getting started with training in Germany. We help with career orientation, an internship, the application process and also in the first months of training.


Affiliated German language course


Through the project "Integration through training", you can orient yourself professionally and start an apprenticeship.


Immigrants from the EU or third countries with a residence permit, temporary residence permit or tolerated stay


You will learn with us at our local branches. Qualified and experienced lecturers teach the language learning content in a practical way.

Ihre Vorteile

Our offer is supported by intensive networking. We establish contacts with companies, help with operational integration and are the point of contact for all parties involved. In this way, we are making a contribution to securing the next generation of skilled workers.


You will receive a certificate.


Funded by the Employment Agencies and Job Centers.

Angebotsnummer: Integration durch Ausbildung_ENG

Dauer & Preise

Durchführung: Präsenz

DURATION: 01.01.2023 – 31.12.2024

Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.


Ines Eisemann

Ines Eisemann
Telefon: 0172 1890144
E-Mail eisemann.ines@remove-this.biwe.de

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