IT for all - Digital foundations for the world of work
IT Basics: Hardware? Software? Digitisation? With us in the twinkling of an eye
Although we come into contact with digital media on a daily basis in many areas of our lives - both privately and professionally - we are often unaware of basic knowledge about how devices or software work, for example. The "IT for All" qualification is aimed at people interested in further education who want to update their knowledge of digital media and acquire and improve their basic IT skills. You too can open up new career prospects. In order to optimise the content and support of the course for you, we assess the level of knowledge of the participants before the course begins.
PREREQUISITES: Good knowledge of German (at least B1)
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The "IT for All" qualification will enable you to use end devices and programmes efficiently and in a goal-oriented manner and to become familiar with technical terms and application examples. In addition, the aim is to actively use the Internet with its wealth of information and to master and control the diverse social media options.
TARGET GROUP: People with little previous PC knowledge
LEARNING METHOD: Experienced trainers convey the learning content via our virtual classroom and provide support for independent learning. Our digital coaches will support you.
Ihre Vorteile
BENEFITS: More and more companies are digitalising processes, making workplaces more flexible and communicating in ever more complex ways. Digital skills are the ability to recognise and apply these changes in the world of work, to deal confidently with technology and to acquire new knowledge. There are therefore excellent career opportunities for digitally qualified employees. The course is a preparatory measure "Basic skills in the IT sector" for further training that can be used in the workplace.
TYPE OF DEGREE: After successful participation you will receive a certificate.
FUNDING: Eligible for funding through an educational voucher, the German federal and state pension insurance schemes and the Qualification Opportunities Act
Dauer & Preise
Durchführung: Online , Teilzeit
DURATION: 161 teaching units of 45 minutes each
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