

We accompany you on site or at your home

Your professional and social skills are worked out as part of the profiling process. This makes it  easier for you to develop a realistic and targeted application strategy. You become aware of your skills and qualifications and can show your po-tential employer what you are made of. At the same time, you will be able to recognise the need for support and qualification. The first step towa-rds a customised job or apprenticeship search.


COURSE OBJECTIVE: Profiling helps you to enter the world of work. Through profiling, you will gain knowledge of your own competences and qualifications.


TARGET GROUP: Jobseekers, people at risk of unemploy-ment, people with disabilities, people after training or studies


IMPLEMENTATION: You take part in individual profiling from the comfort of your own home or at our premises.

Ihre Vorteile

BENEFITS: Profiling is used to create your personal skills profile. It shows which job profile suits you and where there is still need for support. This is the first step towards finding a new job that is a perfect fit for you.


TYPE OF DEGREE: You will receive a certificate of participation.


FUNDING: Eligible for funding through an activati-on and placement voucher

Angebotsnummer: Profiling_ENG

Dauer & Preise

DURETAION: Profiling scope 10 teaching units 45 minutes each

Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.


Ines Eisemann

Ines Eisemann
Telefon: 0172 1890144
E-Mail eisemann.ines@remove-this.biwe.de



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