Warehouse specialist with jobrelates language support – TQplus
Flexible and practical qualification modules
The "Eine TQ besser!" seal of approval from the Employers' Initiative for Partial Qualification, an association of German employers' organisations and training providers with close links to these organisations, guarantees you a uniform nationwide implementation of partial qualifications according to a common concept and defined standards. We will check your suitability together with you in a personal consultation.
PREREQUISITES: Language level (min. B1), basic technical and commercial understanding, interest in starting work in the warehouse sector
AIMS: The TQ supports you in entering the profession of warehouse specialist and gives you the chance of a more highly qualified job. Manageable learning phases due to the specialised focus of the individual modules enable flexible learning.
TARGET GROUP: Jobseekers and employees who do not have a vocational qualification or have a vocational qualification in a different field and would like to gain further qualifications and a recognised vocational qualification.
REALISATION: Experienced trainers and instructors teach the course content and support you during the partial qualification.
TYPE OF DEGREE: Nationwide recognised certificate
FUNDING: Eligible for funding through an educati-on voucher, the German Federal and State Pension Insurance Scheme and the Qualification Opportunities Act
Dauer & Preise
Durchführung: Hybrid
DURATION: 11 weeks per module
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