
C1 German Course (BAMF course)

You will learn practical-ly with us on site

You already have a good knowledge of German to gain a foothold in the labour market and conti-nue to assert yourself in professional life. The C1 German course supports you in this. You will ex-pand your professionally relevant German language skills and thus increase your chances on the labour market.


PREREQUISITES: At least a B2 certificate that is not older than 6 months


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: The aim of the C1 course is for partici-pants to acquire knowledge and skills in the German language that are defined as language level C1 in the CEFR, to understand demanding texts, to express themselves spontaneously and fluently and to be able to express themselves clearly, in a structured and detailed manner on complex issues within 400 teaching units.


TARGET GROUP: Participants in the basic C1 course are people of working age with German as a second language who are in training, are reorienting themselves professionally or have already taken up employment.


LEARNING METHOD: Participant-orientation - action-orientation - practical relevance - personal responsibility of the participants - adult-orientated didac-tics - use of digital learning media

Ihre Vorteile

BENEFITS: Language skills are the key to successful integration into the labour market. Our language courses support you in successfully completing your training and securing your job.


TYPE OF DEGREE: Telc exam C1. If you do not pass the exam the first time, it can be repeated.


FUNDING: The course can be assigned by the job centres and employment agencies as well as by selfregistration for selfpayers. The course is subsidised by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).

Angebotsnummer: C1-Deutschkurs (BAMF-Kurs)_ENG

Dauer & Preise

Durchführung: Präsenz

DURATION: 400 lessons of 45 minutes each

Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.


Ines Eisemann

Ines Eisemann
Telefon: 0172 1890144
E-Mail eisemann.ines@remove-this.biwe.de

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