
Vocational language course B2 (BAMF Course)

You will learn practically with us on site

Would you like to live and work in Germany? Do you already have some knowledge of German and would like to develop your career? The German B2 course will support you in this. You will improve your professionally relevant German language skills and thus increase your chances on the labour market.


PREREQUISITES: The prerequisite for participation in the German B2 course is a B1 certificate.


LEARNING OBJECTIVE: After attending the language course, you will be able to communicate better. You will improve your language skills and become more familiar with German grammar. Your vocabulary will become more varied and you will be able to ex-press yourself more clearly in job inter-views, in everyday life or at work.


TARGET GROUP: People who are looking for a job and want to acquire the necessary language skills


LEARNING METHOD: You learn at our branches on site. Qualified and experienced DAF-DAZ instructors teach the language content in a practical way.

Ihre Vorteile

BENEFITS: Language skills are the key to successful in-tegration into the labour market. Our langu-age courses support you in your entry into training or the labour market.


TYPE OF DEGREE: B2 certificate


SUPPORT: Assignment is made by the job centres and employment agencies, the course is funded by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF)

Angebotsnummer: B2-Deutschkurs (BAMF-Kurs)_ENG

Dauer & Preise

Durchführung: Präsenz

DURATION: 500 lessons of 45 minutes each

Tübingen: Mo-Di, 13.30 - 17.45 Uhr und Mi-Do, 13.30 - 17.00 Uhr +++ Reutlingen: Montag bis Mittwoch, 14.00 - 18.15 Uhr +++ Unterrichtsfreie Tage werden bei Kursstart bekannt gegeben.

Wir beraten Sie gerne zu den Fördermöglichkeiten.


Ines Eisemann

Ines Eisemann
Telefon: 0172 1890144
E-Mail eisemann.ines@remove-this.biwe.de

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